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Generic debounce in Bash 887 words (4 min)

TLDR: A short Bash script (Github link) for debouncing using a while loop and processes management.

gif of script running on command line


I wanted to automatically push my technical journal to Github whenever I saved it, but only if I hadn’t saved it recently (since I tend to save every time I exit insert mode). Debouncing works for this - I’ll only push to Github when I save but don’t save again for awhile.

What is debouncing?

Debouncing is the process of taking multiple sequential events of the same type and grouping them together as one. By treating a group of events as one event, you can handle them all at once instead of handling each event individually.

Debounce is often used in front-end design for things like autosaving a form that a user is typing in - but only after they have finished typing for some time (all keypress events are grouped together and treated as one).

Debouncing requires an event generating program and an action to run when the event generating program has stopped generating events for a certain time interval.

CSS Tricks explains it through analogy:

Imagine you are in an elevator. The doors begin to close, and suddenly another person tries to get on. The elevator doesn’t begin its function to change floors, the doors open again. Now it happens again with another person. The elevator is delaying its function (moving floors), but optimizing its resources.

The event generating program is people boarding the elevator. The action to be performed when people stop boarding the elevator is to move floors. But the elevator can only move floors when people have not boarded the elevator for a certain time interval.

The script is given below.

It runs a passed in program repeatedly. Every time that program exits successfully it launches a child process that will run a passed in action after some amount of time has passed. If the program exits successfully again before that time has passed, the child process is replaced by a new child process. When the given program stops exiting successfully for long enough, the surviving child process will finally execute its action.

#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -Ceuo pipefail

readonly DEBOUNCE_PROGRAM="${1}"
readonly DEBOUNCE_ACTION="${*:3}"

debounce_action() {
    # echo "Waiting debounce interval to perform debounce action: ${DEBOUNCE_ACTION}"
    # echo "Running debounce action"
    bash -c "${DEBOUNCE_ACTION}"

debounce () {
        if test -n "${debounce_action_pid}" && ps -p "${debounce_action_pid}" > /dev/null; then
            # echo "Killing debounce_action with PID: ${debounce_action_pid}"
            kill "${debounce_action_pid}"
        debounce_action &


Positional arguments

It takes three positional arguments - arguments that you pass into the script via the command line:

  1. DEBOUNCE_PROGRAM: a program that you want to run continuously but that periodically returns successfully when an event occurs (ex a file watcher like inotifywait that returns successfully when a file is changed).
  2. DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL_SECONDS: a time interval in seconds to wait when the debounce program returns successfully
  3. DEBOUNCE_ACTION: a program that runs when the DEBOUNCE_PROGRAM has not returned successfully for DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds.

These arguments are readonly which is a way to set constants in Bash. They are read in respectively as $1, $2, and $*:3 where $*:3 is a concatenation of every parameter after the first two.


The script has two functions: debounce and debounce_action.

The debounce_action function just sleeps (does nothing) for DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL_SECONDS and then runs our supplied action DEBOUNCE_ACTION with bash -c "${DEBOUNCE_ACTION}". It will be run as a child process in the debounce function.

The debounce function runs a while loop. Bash while loops - and Bash conditionals in general like if statements - run a process and evaluate that process’s as truthy if that process returns 0. Our while loop repeatedly runs the passed in program DEBOUNCE_PROGRAM until it returns a non-zero number.

Each time DEBOUNCE_PROGRAM is run and returns 0, the do loop is executed. It checks whether we’ve launched a child process yet - kills that child process if it exists - and then launches a new child process by running the debounce_action function in the background with debounce_action &. The child process’s pid - process ID - is saved as debounce_action_pid so that we can replace it later if the DEBOUNCE_PROGRAM triggers again before the debounce_action has fired.



Generic usage:

./ ./ debounce_interval_seconds ./

Watch standard input with read and print “Ran action” whenever text has been submitted to standard input but not submitted again for 5 seconds.

./ "read" 5 "echo 'Ran action'"