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Scraping Speculative Fiction Short Stories Using Python And Beautiful Soup 4 4907 words (20 min)

Speculative fiction deep dive

Speculative fiction is an umbrella genre of fiction covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, dystopian, weird, and other types of fiction.

Last year I began devouring speculative fiction short stories with the eventual goal of writing and publishing short stories in this genre. Since August 2019, I’ve read and analyzed over 650,000 words of speculative fiction spread over 130 short stories, many of them award winning stories represented in the Hugo Awards, Nebula Awards, British Fantasy Awards, Bram Stoker Award, and World Fantasy Awards.

Toward a science fiction database

I wanted to build a database of speculative fiction stories - including story texts - for my own personal use. This corpus would eventually help to answer questions like:

Archived pulp magazines are great sources for older speculative fiction stories. However, I am interested in the modern state of speculative fiction.

The modern body of award winning speculative fiction can largely be found within a relatively small set of physical and online speculative fiction magazines and anthologies.

These magazines include:

Many of these magazines are freely available on the internet. But copying and pasting them manually takes a long time and is error prone.

Web scraping using Python and Beautiful Soup 4

Web scraping - programmatically gathering content from websites - is one way to build a large corpus from various sources on the internet.

To start building this corpus I decided to scrape one of my favorite speculative fiction magazines: Lightspeed Magazine.

Beautiful Soup 4

Beautiful Soup 4 is a Python package for pulling data from HTML and XML files.

It uses a parser - a program that takes a source document (typically text) and builds a data structure (typically a tree) from the source. These data structures are typically called parse trees or abstract syntax trees.

Beautiful Soup provides a set of methods for using a parser of your choice to extract information from web pages.

A typical workflow for using Beautiful Soup is:

Project setup

Make a new directory and track it with git:

mkdir science-fiction-magazines-nlp && cd science-fiction-magazines-nlp
mkdir old-pickles
git init

Inside .gitignore, ignore our virtual environment files and pickle files (we don’t want to upload copyrighted material to the internet):


Virtual environment setup with pip-tools

Set up a virtual environment for managing dependencies: python3 -m venv venv (-m for module name, meaning Python will search for and run a module named venv).

I like to use pip-tools (github link) for managing dependencies.

It lets you define top-level or explicit dependencies - ones you actually want to use in your project - separately from implicit dependencies - dependencies installed because other dependencies need them. It also automatically pins dependencies to specific versions which makes it easier for other developers to rebuild your project in the future. It’s a good idea to pin dependencies.

Install pip-tools with pip3 install pip-tools.

Put our top-level dependencies in (.in is a generic file extension meaning input):


I like pylint because it will gently remind me when my code is not following common programming patterns and it will format my code in a standard way. Pylint is technically a developer requirement and the normal pattern is to save those in but I didn’t do that here.

Running pip-compile will place requirements into a requirements.txt with all dependencies pinned. This file has all of your dependencies pinned to a specific version and tells which dependencies required the other dependencies. My requirements.txt:

# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile
# To update, run:
#    pip-compile
astroid==2.3.3            # via pylint
certifi==2019.11.28       # via requests
chardet==3.0.4            # via requests
idna==2.8                 # via requests
isort==4.3.21             # via pylint
lazy-object-proxy==1.4.3  # via astroid
mccabe==0.6.1             # via pylint
six==1.14.0               # via astroid
soupsieve==1.9.5          # via beautifulsoup4
typed-ast==1.4.1          # via astroid
urllib3==1.25.7           # via requests
wrapt==1.11.2             # via astroid

Activate the virtual environment: . venv/bin/activate (also, maybe look at venv/bin/activate because it’s only 70 lines of code and just sets a few environment variables).

All Python code for this project will go in Let’s import dependencies there:

"""Functions for requesting and processing html from Science Fiction magazines"""
import os
import re
import time
import pickle
import traceback
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Requesting pages

We can use the requests library to GET pages and parse them with Beautiful Soup using the built-in HTML parser html.parser.

Beautiful Soup will use the parser to generate a soup object. This object has the parse tree created by the parser and some helper methods for operating on that parse tree.

In create a function for requesting a page and returning the soup object representing that page:

def request_soup_page(url: str):
    """Request an html page and return a BeautifulSoup object for that page"""
    print(f"Requesting page {url}")

    request = requests.get(url)
    status = request.status_code

    print(f"Received page {url} with status {status}")
    if status == 404:
        return {}

    soup = BeautifulSoup(request.content, 'html.parser')
    return soup

Here requests.get(url) performs an HTTP GET request for the HTML at the given url. If the page was found, use Beautiful Soup to parse the page into an object (soup) and return that object.

The magazine lists all issues as a paginated list - a list separated over several pages. We will need to GET all pages of this list and then use Beautiful Soup to find the link to each issue on each page.

We can construct URLs for the paginated list pages:

The base_url is

We will just increment NUMBER until the page isn’t found (when request_soup_page returns an empty object instead of a soup object). We will collect the soup objects representing each page of the paginated list in a list(pages) and return this list:

def request_all_paginated_list_pages(base_url: str) -> list:
    """Return html for each page of a paginated list as list of BeautifulSoup objects"""
    print(f"Requesting paginated list pages from {base_url}")

    status = 200
    list_page = 0
    pages = []

    while status != 404:
        list_page += 1
        list_page_url = f"{base_url}/{list_page}"

        print(f"Request list page {list_page}")

        soup = request_soup_page(list_page_url)

        if soup == {}:
          status = 404

        print(f"Received list page {list_page} with status {status}")

        if status == 404:


    return pages

Note that time.sleep(5) waits for five seconds between requests. It’s important to be mindful of server loads when scraping - we don’t want to DDOS our favorite magazines.

Now we have a list of soup objects representing the paginated list of issues with links to every issue.

Beautiful Soup uses a set of querying methods that return a soup object. This means you can chain queries together to find HTML elements deep in the parse tree.

In find_all_issue_links, we will iterate through each of the soup objects we collected using request_all_paginated_list_pages(). We’ll use several methods on the soup object that all return another soup object:

These methods let us find links (an a HTML element) for every issue of the magazine. Then we can access the href property for every link to get a URL string. We return a list of these URLs.

Finding out where to look for the URLs was a manual process of inspecting with the Chrome DevTools.

def find_all_issue_links(issues_pages: list):
    """Find all issue url strings in a list of issue html pages (BeautifulSoup objects)"""
    print(f"Finding all issue links")

    urls = []

    for index, page in enumerate(issues_pages):
        print(f"Finding issue links in page {index + 1}")

        post_wrapper_divs = page.body \
            .find("div", {"id": "wrapper"}) \
            .find("div", {"id": "main"}) \
            .find("div", {"id": "content"}) \
            .find("div", {"class": "content_box"}) \
            .find_all("div", {"class": "post_wrapper"})

        for div in post_wrapper_divs:
            url = div \
                .find("div", {"class": "post_content"}) \
                .find("h2", {"class": "posttitle"}) \

        print(f"Total issue links found so far: {len(urls)}")

    return urls

I use a wrapping function (request_and_find_and_save_issue_links()) for collecting the issue links to avoid polluting main(). It uses the functions from above and saves the list of URLs to a pickle - a way for Python to persist objects to disk - called issue_links.p.

def request_and_find_and_save_issue_links(pickle_url: str):
    """Request, find, and save list of issue link url strings as a pickle"""
    print(f"Getting all issue list pages")

    base_url = ""
    pages = request_all_paginated_list_pages(base_url=base_url)
    issue_links = find_all_issue_links(issues_pages=pages)

    print(f"Dumping {len(issue_links)} links to pickle issue_links")

    with open(pickle_url, 'wb') as file_pointer:
        pickle.dump(issue_links, file_pointer)

Loading from pickle files

Since we’re saving pickle files, let’s make a function for loading them:

def load_from_pickle(url: str):
    """Return an object loaded from a local pickle file"""
    with open(url, 'rb') as file_pointer:
        return pickle.load(file_pointer)

Each issue has its own page with links to every story in that issue. From inspecting the HTML, I can see that the fictional stories are always marked as Science Fiction or Fantasy. We need to collect every story link marked as Science Fiction or Fantasy from every issue.

Each issue is divided into posts where each post is in a separate div with class post_wrapper. Each post has an h2 with the link to the story and an h3 with category information. If the category is Science Fiction or Fantasy we save it to a list.

A function for using Beautiful Soup to find all of the story links on an issue’s page:

def find_all_story_links_from_issue(issue: object):
    """Return a list of all story url strings in an issue (BeautifulSoup object)"""
    print(f"Getting all story links from issue")

    post_wrapper_divs = issue.body \
        .find("div", {"id": "wrapper"}) \
        .find("div", {"id": "main"}) \
        .find("div", {"id": "content"}) \
        .find("div", {"class": "content_box"}) \
        .find_all("div", {"class": "post_wrapper"})

    print(f"Found {len(post_wrapper_divs)} post_wrapper divs")

    links = []
    for post in post_wrapper_divs:
        post_content = post.find("div", {"class": "post_content"})
        category_header = post_content.find("h3")
        title_header_link = post_content.find("h2", {"class": "posttitle"}).find("a")

        if not category_header or not title_header_link:

        link = title_header_link["href"]

        if (category_header.contents[0] == "Science Fiction" or \
            category_header.contents[0] == "Fantasy"):
            print(f"Added link {link}")

    print(f"Found {len(links)} story links from issue")
    return links

Wrapping function for collecting all story links

We use another wrapper function to avoid polluting main. This function takes a list of issue links and the path to a pickle file of story links (if this file exists).

For each issue:

The pickle file helps preserve state between processing each issue, so that if an error is encountered we don’t have to request every issue again.

def request_and_find_and_save_story_links_from_issues(issue_links: list, pickle_url: str):
    """Request, find, and save a list of all story url strings in issues as a pickle"""
    print(f"Getting all story links from issues")

    story_links = []
    for issue_link in issue_links:

        if os.path.exists(pickle_url):
            story_links = load_from_pickle(pickle_url)
            print(f"Loaded pickle {pickle_url} with {len(story_links)} story links")

        issue_page = request_soup_page(url=issue_link)
        links = find_all_story_links_from_issue(issue=issue_page)
        story_links = story_links + links

        print(f"Found {len(story_links)} story links so far")
        print(f"Dumping {len(story_links)} links to pickle {pickle_url}")

        with open(pickle_url, 'wb') as file_pointer:
            pickle.dump(story_links, file_pointer)


Now we have links for every story in the magazine.

Collecting stories from each story page

Each story has its own page with the following information that we can store in a dictionary:

The story content is spread over many HTML elements that need to be processed differently. We will build a string for the story starting with an empty string:

Again we can inspect each story’s page, find the information we care about, and use Beautiful Soup to extract it and return a dictionary representing that story:

def find_story_from_story_page(story_page: object):
    """Return a dictionary representing a story from a story html page"""
    print(f"Finding story from story page")

    story = {}

    content_box = story_page.body \
        .find("div", {"id": "wrapper"}) \
        .find("div", {"id": "main"}) \
        .find("div", {"id": "content"}) \
        .find("div", {"class": "content_box"}) \

    story_type = content_box.find("h3").contents[0]

    author = content_box \
        .find("div", {"class": "about_author"}) \
        .find("h2") \
        .find("span") \

    post_div = content_box \
        .find("div", {"id": re.compile("^post-")})

    title = post_div \
        .find("h1", {"class": "posttitle"}) \

    issue_paragraph = post_div \
        .find("p", {"class": re.compile("postmetadata date")})

    issue = issue_paragraph.find("a").contents[0]
    issue_url = issue_paragraph.find("a")["href"]
    word_count ='\b\d+\b', issue_paragraph.contents[2]).group(0)

    story_div = post_div \
        .find("div", {"class": "entry"})

    story_div_elements = list(story_div.children)

    content = ""
    for element in story_div_elements:
        # ignore paragraphs containing images or links
        if element.find("img") or element.find("a"):
        if in ["p"]:
            content += f"{element.get_text()}\n\n"
        if in ["ol", "ul"]:
            text = element.get_text('\n')
            content += f"{text}"
        if == "div" and element["class"] == "divider":
            content += f". . . .\n\n"

        { "author": str(author)
        , "title" : str(title)
        , "issue": str(issue)
        , "issue_url": str(issue_url)
        , "word_count": str(word_count)
        , "type": str(story_type)
        , "content": content

    return story

A wrapping function for saving stories

Now we have a list of story URLs and a function for extracting the stories from a story’s HTML.

We’ll save each story dictionary in another dictionary called stories. Between processing each story, we’ll save the current stories to a pickle that we provide as pickle_url.

Assuming stories don’t change, we’ll only retrieve information for stories that haven’t been processed before.

For every story link:

def request_and_find_and_save_stories_from_story_links(story_links: list, pickle_url: str):

    Request, find, and save all stories and story metadata as a pickle

    Builds a dictionary of stories and saves it as a pickle.

    stories dictionary structure:
    keys: "story title-Author Name"
    example key: "The Traditional-Maria Dahvana Headley"
    values: a story dictionary containing story content and metadata
      { "author": "author name"
      , "title": "story title"
      , "story_url": ""
      , "issue": "story issue name"
      , "issue_url": ""
      , "word_count": "1234"
      , "type": "Fiction"
      , "content": "body of story"

    print(f"Getting all stories from story links")

    stories = {}
    failed_story_urls = []
    for story_link in story_links:
            if os.path.exists(pickle_url):
                stories = load_from_pickle(pickle_url)
                print(f"Loaded pickle {pickle_url} with {len(stories)} stories")
                story_urls = [story["story_url"] for story in list(stories.values())]
                if story_link in story_urls:
                    print(f"Found story in pickle, skipping story {story_link}")

            story_page = request_soup_page(url=story_link)
            story = find_story_from_story_page(story_page=story_page)
            story["story_url"] = story_link

            if not all(keys in story for keys in \
                        ("author", "title", "issue", "issue_url", "word_count", "content")):
                print(f"Problem getting story data from story url {story_link}")
                raise Exception("Malformed story data")

            stories[f'{story["title"]}-{story["author"]}'] = story

            print(f"Found {len(stories)} stories so far")
            print(f"Dumping {len(stories)} stories to pickle {pickle_url}")

            with open(pickle_url, 'wb') as file_pointer:
                pickle.dump(stories, file_pointer)


        except Exception as err:
            print(f"Failed to retrieve and process story {story_link}, adding to failed_story_urls.p")

            with open('failed_story_urls.p', 'wb') as file_pointer:
                pickle.dump(failed_story_urls, file_pointer)

Now all stories from the magazine are saved in a local pickle file.

Running from the command line using main()

If is run using python3 we want the main() function to be executed. Running a .py file with python3 sets the __name__ attribute to __main__ by default. So check if __name__ is __main__:

if __name__ == '__main__':

The main() function will get and save issue links as a pickle, get and save story links as a pickle, and get and save stories as a pickle:

def main():
    Run functions to retrieve and process html from Lightspeed magazine

    Only need to run each once to save data to pickle files.

    Three pickle files are saved (with the suggested names):
    issue_links.p is a list of url strings for all magazine issues
    story_links.p is a list of url strings for all stories in the magazine
    stories.p is an object containing story content and metadata for all stories


    issue_links = load_from_pickle("issue_links.p")

    request_and_find_and_save_story_links_from_issues( \
        issue_links=issue_links, pickle_url="story_links.p")

    story_links = load_from_pickle(url="story_links.p")

    request_and_find_and_save_stories_from_story_links( \
        story_links=story_links, pickle_url="stories.p")

if __name__ == '__main__':

That’s it! Run python3 and after some time we’ll have 869 of the magazine’s stories available as a pickle file stories.p.

A few stories have a different HTML structure and throw errors when processed - we’ll have to manually account for those in our code later.

To update the data in the future, remove issue_links.p and story_links.p (or move them to old_pickles directory) and run the script again. You don’t need to remove stories.p since the Python script only saves new stories.

This process can be extended to other speculative fiction magazines that have content available online for free. In the future we’ll use these stories to answer some interesting questions about speculative fiction.